Kids + Dairy Symptoms


KiDS is All About Kids!

For decades, families have been taught that cow’s milk is an essential part of a healthy diet. Yet dairy is often the root cause of numerous health problems in children. From lactose intolerance to asthma to fatal anaphylaxis.

Registered Dietitians Dahlia & James Marin discuss the importance of diet and gut health for children.

Through our KiDS educational program, we help physicians and dietitians better understand the negative health consequences of dairy consumption.

See what our physician and nutrition advisors have to say about the dangers of dairy consumption.

We provide FREE educational resources that healthcare professionals can use to help parents confidently navigate their families’ diets without dairy products.

Our ADD SOY Act Gives Kids Healthier Choices

We are working on an exciting initiative to provide healthy, dairy-free milk for kids in school.

Our dream is to give America’s kids a dairy-free milk option at school that won’t make them sick. But we need your help to get the bill passed!

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